How To Obtain an Expungement?
How To Obtain an Expungement?

How A Bill Becomes A Law
How A Bill Becomes A Law, click here

HB40 KY Felony Expungement
Criminal Records Expungement, KY Legislature Track the bill here KY News, Herald Leader Contact your Legislature Sign the petition Also...
FAMM Families Against Mandatory Sentencing
I'm not a kingpin Click here to see Prisoner Profiles

We Cannot Imprison Our Way To Safety. Reform, Bipartisan Support For Criminal Justice
Mandatory minimums, borderline misdeamonr/felony crimes, severe life long penalties long after sentence & probation for decades after a...

Stanford Prison Experiment
Click this link to learn more about the experiement "We tend to think that we cannot be influenced by the situation, but we can. There...